Inspired by the ceremonial robes of royalty, this exclusive luxury clutch bag is for the most sophisticated handbag connoisseur. All eyes will be on you when you enter the room wearing this stunningly beautiful bespoke burgundy silk evening bag clutch, elaborately embroidered front and back, in metallic copper flowers and embellished with genuine star rubies, to create an opulent, sophisticated 3D effect. It glitters and sparkles in the most seductive way.
A jeweled masterpiece of artistry and zardozi craftsmanship, this is a wardrobe investment piece, a modern heirloom to be treasured forever.
- embroidered front and back
- Two magnetic snap closure
- One interior compartment
- Two interior gathered pockets
- Dust bag included
- Satin lining
- Genuine rubies, sewn in
- 8 to11" L x 4.5 to 5" H x 1" D 20-28 x 11.4-12.7 x 2.6 cm
- Fits phones less than 3"/ 7.6 cm wide. May fit your phone without the phone case.